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Best-in-class templates Employ templates to start your projects quickly and on the right track. Schedule efficiently Visualize schedules easily with multiple timelines and reduce inefficiencies with scheduling tools. Collaborate with ease Use tools like Microsoft Teams to foster better collaboration and productivity.

Stay current Get new features, capabilities, and security updates available only for Project Online. Compare Project and Project Online Professional. Manage project schedules and costs. Manage tasks, reports, and business intelligence.

Allocate resources and track progress. Team members can update task status, share documents, and communicate on projects. Fully installed, up-to-date Project desktop application. One license covers up to 5 PCs per user. Book description Experience learning made easy-and quickly teach yourself how to manage your projects with Project Show and hide more.

Table of contents Product information. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements. Loading your results, please wait Warning: This site requires the use of scripts, which your browser does not currently allow. See how to enable scripts. Change Language:.

The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. For example, if you have several resources over allocations and you level the project, the schedule might now include split tasks and delays that extend the finish date. In most projects, at least one side of the triangle is "stuck," meaning that you can't change it. On some projects, it's the budget.

No matter what, you won't get more money for the project. On others, it's the schedule;; the dates can't change. Or it's the scope;; there will be no change in deliverables The trick is in finding the "stuck" or fixed sides of your project's triangle. That tells you what you can change and where you can adjust if there's a problem. Phrasing the problem as a statement can help you clarify which side of the triangle is in trouble. Knowing which side of your triangle can't be changed will help you know where you can adjust.

So when you begin optimizing, consider the following order of decisions. First, decide which of the three elements is fixed. This is typically the element most important to the success of your project finishing on time, on budget, or with the agreed-upon scope.

Then, determine which side your current problem occurs on. Once you've done that, you'll know what elements you have to work with to get your project back on track.

If the problem side and the fixed side are the same, you have the remaining two sides of the triangle to work with. For example, if your project has to finish on time and your problem is that it's taking too long, you can adjust resources or adjust scope to get the project back on track.

If the problem side is different from the fixed side, you'll want to optimize by adjusting the remaining side. For example, if your project has to finish on time and it's grown in scope, you only have the cost side to play with by, for example, by adding resources.

Know that when you adjust one side of the triangle of time, money, and scope, the other two sides are likely to be affected. They can be affected positively or negatively, depending on the nature of your project. For example, if you adjusted your plan to bring in costs, check whether your finish date is still acceptable Lead and Lag Times Edit tables by adding and removing columns Change column labels Create a table The system will allow the user to organise these tables so they can be used to maximum effect.

The content of the table is also dependent on the area of project management they are used for. There is a difference between tables for Tasks and table for Resources. Modifying Or Editing An Existing Table The idea of changing a table structure is to make its use more appropriate to the needs in terms of what information the user needs to view. For a task table there are over one hundred possible columns from which the structure can be chosen. For Resources the number of possible columns is approximately thirty.

The following dialog box Figure will show a list of the fields that make up the table. A space will appear and the new field can be selected. The structure of the table is built up by selecting the fields in the appropriate order. When you decide which type of table you would like to create click on the NEW button.

OR Another option which saves time is to copy an existing table and add or remove fields as necessary and rename it. Add, edit or delete fields as covered in the previous section. Click OK to save the table. There is no need to recreate them in other files we have the organiser tool to allow us to transfer these objects for reuse elsewhere The global template is the file that is used every time you create a new project file this works similarly in word and excel.

It stores all the objects necessary to create a file with no data. Using the organiser to transfer any of the objects we create into it every time we create a new project those objects will be available for use in the new file.

This includes tables, views, filters, groups, reports, macros, calendars tasks or resource objects Even better when these objects are in the global template any file you open created from another source that lacks the useful objects you have been using you simply transfer them from the global template into the new file and they are then available for use.

If you have several project files open use the drop down arrows in the boxes to correctly identify the files. MPT file if a file from another source is being used copy the other way for your objects to be used in other files.

When the transfer of objects is complete click the cross in the top right hand corner of the dialog to close the organiser. Creating any new project now will include the objects you have transferred ready for immediate use.

It is also possible to define in what way these dependencies exist. For example, if you have two tasks, "Dig foundation" and "Pour concrete," the "Pour concrete" task cannot begin until the "Dig foundation" task is complete. The dependent task can begin any time after the task that it depends on begins. The SS link type does not require that both tasks begin simultaneously. For example, if you have two tasks, "Pour concrete" and "Level concrete," the "Level concrete" task cannot begin until the "Pour concrete" task begins.

The dependent task can be completed any time after the task that it depends on is completed. The FF link type does not require that both tasks be completed simultaneously. For example, if you have two tasks, "Add wiring" and "Inspect electrical," the "Inspect electrical" task cannot be completed until the "Add wiring" task is completed.

The dependent task can be completed any time after the task that it depends on begins. The SF link type does not require that the dependent task be completed concurrent with the beginning of the task on which it depends.

For example, the roof trusses for your construction project are built offsite. Two of the tasks in your project are "Truss delivery" and "Assemble roof. The FS link is by default not shown in the predecessors column but add one of the other link type contractions after the predecessor number and press enter the link will change and the result shown in the Gantt chart.

The picture below shows a start to start relationship. Click OK when you have made the necessary adjustments More Links, Lead And Lag Times From the previous examples you have seen in the task information dialog, predecessors tab and in the task dependency dialog a box called lag this is a box allows you to fine tune these Link relationships by specifying Lag or Lead times as required.

You enter the lead time as a negative value Lag A Lag time is a delay between two tasks that are linked by a dependency. For example, if there must be a two-day delay between the finish of one task and the start of another, you can establish a finish-to-start dependency and specify two days of lag time for the successor task.

You enter the lag time as a positive value. Applying lead and lag time in the dialog boxes should now be easy but the method of entering it in the predecessors column may not be so obvious although it is the most efficient way of working with your links You may return to the standard Gantt view at any time by using the VIEW button and selecting a different view.

From this form the data relating to the specific task can be changed which includes progress information. Where progress data is being entered, Actual should be selected. Actual Start Date and time for the Task. Actual Completion date and time for the Task, if completed. This box can set up a specific constraint on the start or end date for the task. There are a fixed number of choices which are shown in a list for selection. The priority relates to which tasks can be delayed.

If nothing is entered, ID number is shown. This will be looked at in more depth later. It also includes boxes for Rollup and Hide Gantt Bar. Predecessors Shows any predecessors set and allows you to add others, change the relationship and introduce Lag or Lead time. Resources You can add or modify resources plus change the task from being resource driven to fixed duration.

Notes This allows you to add a note. This could be a fuller description of the task, allowing you to use a cryptic title. Custom Fields This allows you to add custom fields to the task. We have already seen the use of the general and predecessors tabs in detail. In this section we will have a look at the advanced tab. Flexible Constraints Are constraints that are flexible and does not tie a task to a single date.

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